Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well hello readers! Its a great day! The sun is shining, birds are chirping...

... OK. I can't do this. I can't B.S. you - I know you'd see right through me. So I'll just come out with it - I feel like death right now. I'm super hung over today. And to top it off, I totally passed out last night watching South Park and woke up on my couch at 8:45 am (ZOMG LATE!). Started showering, and realized I forgot to grab my towel before shower. Take it from me: drying with a hand towel is not as fun as it sounds. Leave my apartment, walked down the stairs, and realized I forgot my wallet. Had to walk back up 5 flights to get it. Ran to the subway, but totally missed the train by 5 seconds. Finally walking to work, and almost got hit by a taxi (Amjad?!?) crossing Broadway. Let's just say this has not been my day peeps...

So it should come as no surprise when I walked in late today and Danny uttered the words "get excited, its your day to write a post!" I was none too thrilled. Don't get me wrong, I love writing for all you. It reminds me how truly important and brilliant and smart and stuff I am. But today was simply not the day for me to conjure up a clever idea. I can barely function as a normal adult human, how can I entertain the world with a hilarious (aka mildly funny) post?

But suddenly, my prayers were answered. Because UBER-loyal reader Terry (I hear her boyfriend is wicked funny) was kind enough to send in her question at lunchtime today. So here it is: the triumphant return of Reader Write-In Thursday! Take it away Terry!

"So I have a bit of a quandary I’d like you guys to help me and the rest of NYC to figure out…

So one day I actually got a seat on the subway for my morning commute into NYC…I was thrilled. Anyway as I’m enjoying my ipod and my AMNY I glanced up as the train was filling in with other people and notice a guy standing right in front of me facing me—would normally think nothing of it but of course (guess he was a pretty tall guy) his crotch was right in my eye line and what do I see (no sickos) – his pant zipper completely wide open. Now I’m very awkward in these types of situations even with people I know!

So I ask you—should I have told this young professional who was maybe on his way to a job interview that he was about to expose his tighty whities to Manhattan or is it not my problem he forgot to zip?

HELP! (by the way I totally didn’t say anything…)"

Simply put - a fantastic question, the old XYZ. And you know what, I HAVE NO IDEA. Say something, and he knows you were totally checking out his junk. Plus, what if that's the latest fashion trend, and you're just not in the know? Then YOU'D be totally embarrassed. But if you don't tell him, he's likely to never realize, make a fool of himself, not get that job, and cry himself to sleep simply. Just because you were embarrassed on the subway. So here it goes people. Reader Terry asks...

Am I supposed to tell this random dude on the subway his fly is undone?

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