Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This past weekend, a few of us were out at a bar. Kinda nice place, but nothing to write home about (after all, I do write home a lot). After a few minutes and a few drinks, I naturally needed to use the restroom. Without getting too graphic here, I walked in, did my business, and went to the sink to wash my hands. Just then, a smiling gentleman in a white shirt, vest, and shiny shoes walked up. No, it wasn't a leprechaun...but rather the bathroom attendant who appeared.

Now, for all you female readers (helllllllo, ladies), I'm not sure if you have dealt extensively with the bathroom attendant. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what goes on in a female restroom. I was once told about a woman's bathroom at a restaurant that had a couch. To all guys (I don't even need to use a poll on this one), THAT SEEMS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. Guys bathrooms are one of the grossest and fowl places on earth. Mission: get in and get out in as quick as possible. Who would ever want to sit while in a bathroom??

Point is, I've never heard of a female bathroom attendant, but there's always a chance I'm totally wrong. But I hope not, because I know every guy knows that feeling when they first see a bathroom attendant, and I'd never wish it upon anyone else. Heart drops. Eyes don't know where to look. No idea what the protocol is with these guys.

So as I'm going up to wash my hands, the bathroom attendant hops off his chair, walks over to me, and turns on the faucet. He then picks up the soap container and says "Soap?" Ugh. So he squeezes a smidgen of soap into my hands as I wash my hands. I stop, and reach to turn the water off. "Oh, let me get that for you, sir" the attendant says, turns off the faucet, and hands me a paper towel.

As I'm drying my hands off, I look around the counter. Cologne, mints, matches, toothpicks. Sometimes if I'm feeling super-spiffy, I'll splash on cologne before I go out. But no way I'm gonna just throw random cologne on at a random bar - has anyone EVER used those colognes? Sometimes I grab a mint, but I'm more of a gum guy (I always, always chew on mints, and then bits get stuck in the back of my teeth, and I have to go that awful digging-in-my-mouth thing (1 point to me for finding a picture of Hugh Jackman reaching way back for those bits of stuck food).

Well, after that, the inevitable happened. The attendant stepped back to reveal... yes... a tip jar... and said "Have a great night, sir." To recap, he turned on the water, pushed the soap dispenser, turned off the water (as I reached for it), and handed me a paper towel. So readers, I ask you this:

Am I supposed to tip the men's bathroom attendant?

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