Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I don't consider myself lucky by any stretch of the imagination. Winning things just usually isn't my style - unless it's beer pong games or a three point shooting contest where you can only shoot from the corner. However, I don't consider myself unlucky either, which in a way balances out the whole equation. I mean, I don't root for the Bills, I haven't been struck by lightening, and I've never broken a bone - so I can't complain.

However, somehow, the other day, I had streaks of luck and UNluck hit me at exactly the same time. Welcome to my life.

I was walking home from work at I don't know, probably the usual time of WAY TOO LATE, and I see something just fluttering across the sidewalk. Now, being from New York, this usually wouldn't get my attention as I've seen the most unimaginable things fluttering in the street/sdewalk. Rats? Yes. Hotdog? Yep. Flipbook of an extremely large woman removing her clothes? Check. However, there was snow on the ground and this object was the only thing that wasn't lost in the whiteness greyness of the snow.

You guessed it, it was a fresh, green, $20 bill. And it was mine, all mine.

Well that's what I thought.

As soon as I picked it up and inspected it, I didn't get more than 3 steps before this questionable looking dude in his 40's crawled out of the woodwork and exclaimed "THAT'S MINE, YOUNG SIR". Before I even had the chance to be impressed that I was just called a 'young sir', I found myself helpless. I mean we're on Hudson Street at 9pm -there's literally zero people around and I couldn't tell if this guy was either a wannabe hipster or homeless (they often look the same).

Do I give it to the guy and just assume he was telling the truth? Or do I just kindly proclaim - while slowly walking away: "Sorry dude, I really need a new Metrocard"? What if he was telling the truth and I was that asshole who just happened to "not see you drop it"?

And this my friends, is where the fun part of this blog happens:

Am I supposed the give this guy back his (supposed) $20?

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