Thursday, March 4, 2010


I hate the winter. There's always snow, slush or rain on the ground, so my shoes end up getting soaked. Only I'm never prepared for this, and it soaks through to my socks (EWWW WET SOCKS). The days are shorter, so even when I get out of work at a decent hour, its totally dark outside, which is such a buzzkill. In the summer you leave work at 6:30, and its GORGEOUS. Everyone has a big ole smile on their face, birds chirp, girls are wearing short skirts and tube tops and the world is just an overall pleasant place. Winter? Everyone is looking down (probably avoiding puddles, UGH), the only birds on the streets are those giant fat pigeonbeasts, and the wind feels like its going to RIP MY FACE OFF. Oh yes, Winter totally sucks.

But the main reason I hate the Winter: all these clothes. As I talk about a lot, I'm a Southerner. Never had to deal with these winter clothes. For instance, I have NO idea what to do with a scarf (Just have it lay around my neck? That does NOTHING. Wrap it around a few times? Always looks weird. Make some sort of knot? Only Europeans can pull that off. I could write an entire "am I supposed to" post on scarves). But worst of all - bulky Winter coats.

Coats are ridiculously annoying. For some reason, with my coat on, I'm always either sweltering hot, or terrifyingly frigid. There is no middle ground. They're so bulky I can never be fully comfortable wearing it. And my coat is a few years old, so its kiiinda falling apart a little bit. But its already March - what am I gonna do, buy a new coat? What if I somehow get ridiculously jacked over the course of this year, and the new coat I buy doesn't fit next Winter. HEY, IT COULD HAPPEN. Coats are also expensive. I can't go throwing money away on new coats, I need that for protein and tattoos and tank tops for when I get really jacked.

Winter coats are especially annoying at night when you're out. What am I supposed to do when I get to a bar? I can't just throw it on a seat - I've had friends have their coats stolen like that, and that plain sucks. I have another friend who wears his coat the whole night when out. THE WHOLE NIGHT! How am I supposed to pick up hunnies with my bulky coat on?

That leaves just one option - the dreaded coat check. A lot of places we've been going lately have a free coat check, and that's sweet. I like those places. But as I'm sure you've noticed, these places pretty much always have a tip jar out.

Here's my question peeps, and its a pretty straightforward one.

If I use a free coat-check - Am I supposed to tip that guy?

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