Monday, March 29, 2010


So, as Danny noted last week, Momma Earth felt like we had gotten a little too much nice weather a little too soon. Instead of letting us continue to enjoy the 80 degrees, sunny, Central Park in shorts and sunglasses weather, she kicked it back to winter mode here in New York.

The problem? I WAS ALREADY IN CENTRAL PARK SUNGLASSES MODE! I spent the better part of a full week wearing no jacket, sporting shorts, and taking full advantage of spring. And when I tried to go back to winter mode, my brain rejected it. No matter how much I wore, I was still freezing outside, or I wore the wrong shoes, or I forgot to pack my umbrella. Once I kicked it to nice weather spring mode, I was stuck there.

The best news though? Two weeks ago, enough people complained in my building for them to take insulation out of our heaters for the impending hot weather. What does that mean, you ask? I woke up every night last week FREEZING in bed, since the cold air seeps in much faster without insulation. Well, all the weather changes screwed with me, and this weekend I suffered. Sore throat, achy muscles, headaches, too hot, then too cold. Being sick SUCKS. Oh, and the whole cold medicine thing never works out for me like it does for this guy.

So, what did I learn this weekend? I learned to NEVER trust New York in the spring. From now on, I officially can't kick into spring mode until at least May. And then, I'll have a good 4 weeks of spring until it gets hotter than hell in New York.

What else did we learn? Well, for starts, 52% of you think Yes, Dan is an idiot, and you're supposed to tip the car wash dryer dudes. Though, to be fair, I'm sure most people voted that just to be able to call Dan an idiot. Either way, a win is a win - when you get your car washed at a all-inclusive shop, go ahead and tip the guys a few bucks.

We also learned that Terry, despite doing some weird things (dating Dan) is NOT an idiot. Terry, give yourself a pat on the back - most people agree that you did the right thing by not telling the gentleman who stood a biiiiiiit too close on the subway that his pants were unzipped. Better to let him show off to the world a little longer than you have to awkwardly mention his unmentionables.

Check back in tomorrow for a new topic to vote on!

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