Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So last night, just like every Tuesday night, I watched LOST. Best show ever. And no, I have NO idea what's going on in the show. Am I supposed to know? No. THAT'S THE POINT PEOPLE. They're screwing with our heads. And you know what? I kinda dig it. I like being totally toyed with by these writers. Plus, Kate (not Evangeline Lilly - dirty, baby-stealing, conniving Kate) is crazy hot, so there's always that to keep me tuning in.

I always watch Lost with a small group of people. That way, when something monumental happens, we totally geek out together. Makes for a much better show when you can be super nerdy with someone, recall past episodes, and spout out random facts trying to out-prove each others Lost-fan-ness.

So we're about 10 minutes into the episode, and the first commercial break hits. In other words, the word "LOST" has just appeared on the screen, and our mind has been blown for the first time in the episode. I grab for the remote and start fast forwarding. Suddenly, we hear the door open, and my roommate walks in. Roommate is a Lost fan also, and says "Oh man, is this Lost? Can you start over?"

Now, I'm all for equal opportunity TV watching. We all pay for cable. We all should be entitled to watch TV, I'm willing to admit that. I've been scolded for not restarting a show a few times, so I won't even ask the question of if I'm supposed to do it as a whole. Obviously, to a certain point, you are expected to restart a program, and it depends on a wide range of elements. For easiness sake, I'd say there are two main factors:

First, length of the program. Restarting a 30 minute show at any point is a lot different than pushing the "Start Over" on a Lifetime Movie (ed. note: do a Google image search for "Lifetime Movie" - its HYSTERICAL. The tag lines on these movies have got to be the biggest inside joke for this network's writers).

The second factor is obviously how far into the program you are. If you're 2 minutes, you should always restart the show, obviously. 30 minutes into a show is asking a bit much of even the best of roommates.

For this example, let's say you're watching an hour long program. Here's my question people:

How far into an hour long show am I still supposed to restart the program?


  1. If the show happens to be LOST, the answer is: NEVER.

    Restarting the show would mean that the world has to suffer through more LOST-watching, which is unacceptable.

  2. Everyone should wait 18 minutes for an hour long show so you can fast-forward through all the commercials. If they're not home by 9:18 too bad. No restarts. Ever.
