Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Yesterday was the slowest day I've experienced in a long while. Total case of the Mondays. My train skipped my stop on the way to work, so I had to walk extra far. I had forgotten everything I did last week, so I had to go through stupid emails just to remember how much work I had. The clocked ticked by ever... so... slowly. Work piled up, and I had to stay late. And worst of all, despite my normal cab-grabbing ability, I totally got passed by from 3 different cabs when I left work (I totally jinxed myself). Mondays SUCK.

And through it all, Danny and I forgot what carries us through our usual Monday doldrums. We forgot to post! Despite the fact that you could scroll down to the latest 2 posts and see the results yourselves, I know its much better to read our in-depth, thorough analysis. I mean, its what we're here for. That, and to waste your time with a mindless schedule of my Monday. But at least I proved my point. MONDAYS ARE BORING. Why would you read my Monday schedule?!? It was guaranteed to be really, really boring!

To make a long story short, over the course of long boring Monday, Danny and I forgot to post. And for that, we apologize. So here are the results from last week:

1. Sneeze Louise - so I hate to rub it in, but I WAS TOTALLY RIGHT. I knew I had super-fly social skillz. The question was posed of how often to say bless you when some frightful woman sneezed like a bazillion (Ed. note: 4) times on a subway. And 57% of readers totes mcgotes agreed with me - 2 bless-you's is enough. After that, they're being rude to you by doing THIS all up in your area. Kinda makes me want to get violent with someone next time they sneeze a 3rd time. But I'll settle for NOT saying bless you. Take that over-sneezer.

2. Reader write in - the case of the fallen newspapers in Union Square was finally solved last week. Have you ever been walking around New York and the wind will pick up napkins or paper and they start to go everywhere? Its super annoying. I feel all guilty for not picking it up, but I know the second I reach for it, the wind is going to pick up again and make me look like a FOOL. Well, from now on, I'm just going to call Mike, the friendly neighborhood litterer. Because a whopping 73% of readers said you should for sure turn around and pick up what you knocked over. Mike, maybe you could learn a little from this guy or this guy.

Tune in tomorrow morning for the next poll from Dan the man. And watch out for a new segment starting this Friday. I know you're SUPER EXCITED!

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