Friday, February 12, 2010


As we all know very well by now, this winter hasn't been especially kind to anyone. Blizzard warnings left and right, NYC schools closing down - heck, even the people on The Weather Channel named the month February of Fury. Anyway, I'm walking to work the other day (early as usual) and the sidewalks are a bit icy. Not too bad, but I wasn't exactly jogging.

As I'm crossing the street I notice a women in her mid 50's take a little tumble as she's fumbling with her phone. Scratch that, she fell, hard. At that very moment I think everyone in a one-block radius learned that black ice and Blackberry's don't mix. Obviously, as a good Samaritan and citizen of New York I am certainly going to stop, help her up, pick up her things and make sure she's OK etc. etc. However, as I'm rushing to her aide, some other guy comes barreling in like he's James Marsden or something and gets to her before I can. Obviously, this guy wanted to play hero more than me. I was lost. Do I stop and help as well? Act like it never happened? Laugh?!

Now New York, here's where I need your help. Because I have two options here, and I'm not exactly sure what the protocol is.

Am I supposed to be hero number two?

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