Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So if you haven't been able to tell already, Am I Supposed to Tip That Guy is quickly becoming one of the internet's most reliable sources for situational information. No, we won't be able to solve your math homework or tell you whether or not your boyfriend is really that into you, but you can take to the bank the fact that we'll be there to solve all of your awkward situation questions.

After week one, we've already learned two very important lessons.

1.) While yes, Barry may be extremely cheap, he wasn't wrong to not tip the food cart guy. The majority (53%) of you voted that while you don't have to tip all of the time, it's certainly not wrong to throw the guy a buck or two if he's friendly and conversational. Never tip however, and you'll probably be receiving more than his greasy fingers in your chicken and rice. Keep that in mind the next time you think about saving that extra buck for a scratch off ticket next door.

2.) We also learned when and when not to play hero. I mean, I still wake up every morning wondering what damsel I'm going to have to save from a shifty subway rider or an unsuspecting set of stairs, however, the voting has shown there's a time and a place. 75% have chosen that if someone beats you to the situation, move along. If an old woman drops her change purse, she probably doesn't need six dudes arguing over who picked up the most quarters. Just leave it be.

All in all, it was a great start to the site and thanks for voting. Stay tuned for more questions, as the site will be updated with about two situations a week. Have any comments or questions of your own you'd like to see posted? Send us an E-mail and keep an eye out for a quick response because we'll probably check it while we're supposed to be doing other things at work.

Oh, and if you haven't, follow us on Twitter. We're pretty viral.


  1. The next poll should ask who your readers think is shiftier: The homeless guy peeing on the subway or Barry.

  2. That's actually a great idea. Although I think the odds heavily favor Barry as the shiftiest...I'm interested to hear what America has to say.
