Thursday, February 11, 2010


So Dan and I ordered street meat yesterday. The street vendor seemed to be in an especially good mood, chatting us up as we waited for our food, laughing at our jokes, just being a friendly guy, you know. Just good ol’ fashioned NY banter. The dude even gave us a little extra chicken, mixed the food up...the works. We each had six bucks ready, but as the guy handed us our food, he exclaimed “alright guys, $5 each.” Here's the dilemma: Give him the $6, or, gently slip that extra single back in the old back pocket and go with no tip?

I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s a dollar. I can handle tipping the guy a dollar. And, we were prepared for lunch to be $6... WE HAD $6 IN HAND! But when the guy at the sandwich place hits me up with an extra slice of provolone like he knows I like it, I don’t just toss the guy some extra bills. And sure, when the pizza guy down the street puts the garlic powder on my slice before he shoves it back into the oven (CHEESE + GARLIC + OVEN = VICTORY), I throw my change into the tip jar. But that’s different. That’s my spare change. I hate spare change. Who the hell likes to carry spare change?

Anyway, I digress. So people, we ask you this, because when it comes to this, we are obviously clueless.

Am I supposed to tip that guy?


  1. It should be "tip him every once in a while to make sure he doesn't start spitting in your food"

  2. it be one thing if he was giving you guys a deal, like menu lists it at $6 but he only asks for $5.

  3. I tipped my street meat guy today and he just shrugged his shoulder and rolled his eyes. That's why I chose don't tip. Thanks for making me feel guilty.
